I'm considering joining NaNoWriMo next month. When you sign on with NaNoWriMo, you commit to writing a 50,000 word novel in one month. That comes to about 6 1/2 pages per day. If you aren't a writer, that sounds easy, right? Well, if you are a writer, you know just how hard that can be.
In my case, it should be easier than it is for those who hold down a full-time job. I am self-employed, so I have more time for this sort of thing. I don't commute. My biggest obstacle is procrastination and a lack of stick-to-it-iveness. I always have stuff I need to do around the house, and I let that interfere.
Plus, I'm pretty busy with the editorial business right now. That will always be my first priority, because it puts meat and potatoes on the table and oil in the furnace and gas in the car.
Have you ever participated in NaNoWriMo? If so, how did it go? Any tips for a newbie?
Doooo iiiiit! Last year was my first NaNo and I wrote my very first 17,000 words of fiction. No, I didn't make 50,000, but the experience of joining 100,000 aspiring writers worldwide was amazing and not to be missed. It's a great motivator to sit my butt in the chair and write. This year I hope to win!
if you sign up, friend me: username ciaralira
Well, lookee who's here!
Thanks for the encouragement. I dood it. I signed up today for NaNo. This will be my first time, and I've already decided on the story I'm going to write. Nothing like having 2 whole days to prepare for a novel! Oh well.
I'm a complete newbie at this, so I have to figure out how to friend you. Like I said, I just signed up--under the name of Sherrie Holmes. (How original)
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