Yesterday was not a good day. I forgot that my 2009 Washington State business taxes were due today, so I raced around getting all my tax stuff together and completing the tedious paperwork--only to find out that I made so little money last year that the state said I don't even have to file a return! I don't know if I'm relieved or depressed.
Later that day I fixed my hair, as I had a meeting to go to. I grabbed what I thought was a can of hairspray to give my hair a good shellacking, only to discover I'd sprayed WD-40 on my hair instead of hairspray (the cans look similar). I'd used the WD-40 to grease up the shower curtain rod earlier, and it was still on the bathroom counter.
It was too late to wash my hair, so I splashed on some cologne, hoping to disguise the WD-40 smell, and jumped into the car and headed for Tacoma for the Adobe Users' Group meeting. When I got there, the building was dark and nobody was there. What the . . .?
That's when I realized the meeting wasn't until next Monday. I hadn't wanted to get all dressed up and go out on a dark and cold night in the first place, and then to realize I'd done it all for naught. Oh well. I wonder what tomorrow will bring?
I'm going to Romantic Times.
9 years ago
WD-40? Really? That is TOO funny!
Yeah, it was exasperating at the time, but now I think it's funny. You wouldn't believe how easily a comb glides through my hair now! *g*
Well, the good news is, you now have time to wash your hair. :-)
On another note, the emails I've sent to you lately keep popping back. Do you have a new email address?
Let me know...
Hugs, Nina
Hi, Nina. I'm so sorry you've had trouble with my e-mail. Was it the Centurytel address or the holmesedit address? I'd like to know so that I can contact the ISP--not that it'll do any good. I've had considerable trouble with Centurytel over the past few months, and every time I call their customer service line, I get put on hold for 20-25 minutes, and then get disconnected, so I haven't been able to speak to a live person. It's driving me utterly insane.
As you can imagine, it's really upsetting when I'm working on a client project and my e-mail goes down, or when I'm in the middle of a Netflix movie and I lose the connection. The last time this happened, they were doing maintenance. It would be nice if they at least notified their customers in advance. ~Sherrie Holmes
Sherrie, so funny! One of my nursing instructors who was always early, came in late one day, not looking her usual self. She had done her morning routine, then picked up the can to spray her hair, but because she was a multitasker before the term was in vogue (1978), only checked the mirror when she was done: in horror she checked the can in her hand to discover it was furniture polish! Reportedly very difficult to get out :)
Then had a lady for whom one of my students (OBGYN rotation) observed the exam: the provider offended her when he said something about getting all gussied up for her appointment. Evidently it bothered her enough that she asked why he said that, and she learned that when she had thought she had used her feminine hygiene product, she had instead used her daughter's hair glitter...
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