Thursday, March 4, 2010

Harbingers of Spring

The pussywillows have run their cycle and are at the ugly-fuzzy-yellow-pollen-almost-a-leaf stage.   The forsythia is in full yellow riot.  My quince bush is in the tight bud phase, ready to burst forth with myriad pink flowers.  And the lilacs are beginning to leaf out.

The crabgrass in the gravel driveway has begun to grow like the weed it is. The moss on trees and fenceposts has turned a violent green.  Trees are sending up suckers like shooting stars.  And the birds are getting noisier and noisier as the boys practice their rusty mating calls.  And the other day I saw a robin fly by with nest-building material in its mouth.

I am so ready for spring!  These signs of greenery and new life are glad tidings to my winter-weary heart!


NinaP said...

Ahhh, spring. Sounds so lovely at your place, Sherrie.

Most of my yard (front and back) is still under a foot or more of snow. But we are expecting a few 50 degree days this week. That should change something. :-)

Hope you and the girls are doing well.

Hugs, Nina

Lori said...

I so agree. It has been such a long winter. I can't remember when I've been so glad to see spring!

News From the Holmestead said...

Nina, I hope by now your snow has melted. We've had lots of rain lately, and it has turned cold again.

Lori, nice to see you here! Today I bought 3 Easter lilies, and they are so fragrant and cheerful. Definitely a harbinger of spring!