Sherrie, here, checking in with my hordes of blog readers who've been waiting with bated breath for news from ye old Holmestead. (Insert smiley face)
I've been thinking about the things I hope to accomplish in 2011. I even made a list of goals for the year. I do this every January, and it's so rewarding to cross something off the list when it's been accomplished. I have lists dating back some 35 years, and some of the things on those older lists weren't crossed off until 10-15 years later. And some things dropped off the list because they were no longer important or relevant. Case in point: For several years my lists included tearing out the old disgusting carpet in my library (a sort of den with floor-to-ceiling and wall-to-wall books). Well, last November (2010) I crossed it off the list as no longer being relevant. I did tear out the old carpet, but by then I had decided to turn the library into a full-fledged craft room, turning it into a major renovation.
This year's list is smaller than normal, probably due to my current physical limitations. (Can you spell "bum leg" boys and girls?) However, even though my 2011 list is slightly smaller, it has some dauntingly huge items on it. Such as finishing work on the library-cum-craft-room. And gutting the laundry room to replace the floor and subfloor. Then tear up the old flooring in the spare bedroom and replacing it with linoleum/vinyl. Installing new windows, a room at a time, as funds permit.
So there you have it. a glimpse into some of my plans for 2011. Am I the only one who does New Year's resolutions, or are there a few relics out there who still do it?
I'm going to Romantic Times.
9 years ago
Greetings. My name is Courtney Anderson-Love. My friend, Mel Guknes and I are looking for our friend, Laura Conn, that we met while working at Borders (yrs ago). We made contact with her on facebook and then recently she deleted her profile and we don't know how to reach her. We tried a google e-mail account with no luck. We know she has a friend named Sherrie who writes romance and lives in Olallah, WA. We think that's you! If you could get her in contact with us, that would be so awesome and we'll even get you some sort of reward (but only if she's alive!) Please call me at 253-831-3383, that's my cell. We thank you in advance! (she doesn't owe us money - just some good ol' fun and show tune singing!)
I just confirmed that you're the one! Mel says she polar beard with you and Laura around '97! Says you're "a hoot"!
Looking forward to hearing from you!
Hi, Courtney. I've lost contact with Laura over the years and no longer have an e-mail address contact info for her. I'm so sorry. I wish you luck in your search. Hope you find her!
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