I'm trying to make myself go to bed earlier, because for the past couple of years I've gotten into the habit of going to bed anywhere from 2:00 - 4:00 a.m. It's because I always seem to get my second wind in the evening, and then I'm good for another 8-10 hours.
I'd dearly love to be able to go to bed around 11:00 p.m. so that I can get up around 7:00. I love the quiet solitude and emerging awareness of early morning. Seven o'clock in the morning is pleasantly early. Six o'clock in the morning is more like torture.
I have two cats with different sleep cycles. One of them gets up when I do. The other one is a slugabed--he doesn't get up until an hour or two after I arise. Then, he comes out of his bedroom looking sleepy and rumpled and in bad need of coffee. If I could manage to insert pictures on this blog without it always trashing my posts, I'd add a picture of Christopher the Assasin and Lord Byron in their kitty beds. For now, you'll just have to go to my Flickr page to see them.
What about you? Are you an early-to-bed-early-to-rise person, or are you a nightowl like me? What time do you go to bed and arise? Is that part of your normal rhythm or is it forced because you have a job and must suit your cycle to the demands of work?
I'm going to Romantic Times.
9 years ago
I have to go to work early so have to get up. I fall asleep while at work, but as soon I get home I seem to be able to keep going until it is suddenly midnight.
Ah yes, regencyresearcher, I recall those days when I worked for Corporate America. Now, I set my own hours. For instance, yesterday I worked until 5:00 this morning.*g*
I used to be a serious nightowl, which came to a sudden and painful end when my kids started school and I had to get up EARLY every morning. Now (twenty-two years later) I absolutely love mornings. I get up an hour before I have to in order to drink my coffee, read the newspaper cover to cover, and just have peace and quiet before the day starts.
Lesley, I hear you. I love mornings too, but my internal clock keeps me up too late. It's bad, because no matter how late I go to bed, I just hate getting up later than 10:00, so I usually only get 5-6 hours of sleep. Must change that!
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